Shop Local in Waco

Why Shopping Local Matters

It’s a quintessential question for the times in which we live:

“Should I shop at a local store here in town, or should I simply order what I need online and never have to leave the house?”

Sometimes, leaving the house is by far the better choice.

Of course, in these days of coronavirus, people have been encouraged to shop online and to have items delivered. Hopefully, social distancing will soon be over, and it will be more important than ever to support local stores and merchants.  They all need your help so they can restock their stores and pay their employees.

When you shop locally, you’re supporting shop owners, managers, and vendors who live here in Waco and pay taxes in Waco.  This helps keep our stores open and robust – and it helps keep our city thriving with good streets, city services, and healthy growth.  Most of all, local shops provide a great source for unique Waco-made items, and jobs for thousands of Central Texans.

If you make it a point to shop out-of-town, or online, Waco merchants will lose out.  If online shopping becomes the dominant method for purchasing goods and services, most cities will eventually be faced with blocks of empty businesses and storefronts.  

Be Waco proud – or be proud of any town you may reside in – and shop locally.  Your local merchants need your support and they’ll provide you with the products and customer service you expect!

Take a look at a few of our local vendors.
