Tips for getting the most of Local Christmas Shopping

Christmas shopping has begun and stress levels are going up.  Here are a few tips to help elevate levels of stress.

  1. Make a list – write a list of everyone you are purchasing a Christmas gifts for and don’t forget all the Christmas parties you are going to that will need white elephant gifts. 
  2. If at a loss for what to get those on your list – do some Social Media snooping.  Find their social media page and check to see what their passions are and maybe you will be inspired.
  3. Remember you are on a mission to shop from your list.   Don’t stray.
  4. Plan enough time to enjoy the experience and not be rushed or stressed.  Added tips – start early and instead of starting at the front of the store go to the back and work forward.  Remember that list you made for the people you are shopping for-make a list of the stores you will need to visit and map them out.  No fun in leaving a store and an hour later you have to go back because you forgot and item.
  5. Make it personal.  Personalized gifts are still very popular and many love having their name on a special gift.  Realize that this needs to be done early because personalized items takes time. Another way to make it personal is to think of the items this person likes. Do they like antique shopping, home decor, farmhouse decor, spiritual gifts, or clothes shopping.
  6. Put it in your shopping basket.  Even if you are not sure and need to think about it-put it in your basket.  Nothing like going back to the spot you found that perfect gift and it is already gone.  You can always put it back if you decide against it. 
  7. Shopping Local is always less stressful.   The crowds are smaller, you will find unique one of a kind items, and they can offer more personalized service.  Shopping Local supports your community, local entrepreneurs, and boosts the local economy.
  8. Remember a story that you can tell the receiver about your shopping trip. When they open the gift, tell them what happened while gift shopping for them. 
  9. If you see something you like for yourself jot it down, take a picture of it and give those hints to those who are gift shopping for you.  They will love you for it.

Christmas decor
